Frequently Asked Questions

Over time we will add to the frequently asked questions list...............

What session should I enrol my child in?
Please have a look at 'Our Sessions'.  There are a variety of times and groups for different ages.

Why aren't they doing lots of cartwheels and handstands? 
The basis for gymnastics and any other sport is Fundamental Movement Skills.  All our sessions have that as a base and gymnasts learn more as they go along.  Fundamental movements help children develop skills for all sports.  

What does my son need to wear? 
Shorts with no buckles, belts or buttons that can scratch the equipment.  T-shirt or singlet.  Another layer in the winter without zip, buttons or hood.  Shoes and socks off at the door.  Drink bottle in the summer.

What does my daughter need to wear? 
Shorts with no buckles, belts or buttons or better still cycle pants or leggings.  A tighter T-shirt or singlet that doesn't slip up when upside down in handstands.  Another layer in winter without zip, buttons or hood.  Shoes and socks off at the door.  Hair tied up.  Drink bottle in the summer.

Can I be involved with their sport? 
We love parent helpers - for as many sessions as you wish.  Please speak to the Coach leading the session prior to going onto the gym floor and they will find you a task and give instructions to ensure we keep you safe.  You will find it enjoyable and learn lots.
There is a supportive process to learn to coach if you are interested.

Can my child do competition gymnastics? 
We complete selections for the following years competition squad in Term 3.  The numbers taken into the squad at this time are dependant on coach availability and space in the squad.  A 'Competition Year' runs from Term 4 through to the end of Term 3, with the bulk of competitions being held from May - August.

If you and your child have an interest in the squad and have questions please contact the Head coach by email:; otherwise keep an eye on our Facebook page and this Website where we will advertise the date for selections.

How to Register / enrol your child

Select 'register' in the maroon menu bar above.  

Why can't I register - why is it telling me Registrations are closed?

Registration for each term is for a set period only, usually from around Week 7/8 of the preceeding term until one week before Term starts (or until the class reaches maximum numbers).  This allows the Club to organise coaches and skill allocation appropriately for the term.  It is messy and unfair to have new members joining after the start of term  when the term's plan has already begun.  

If you miss the registration close off date but it is still prior to the first session of the term please send an email enquiry stating which class you would like your child in - we do get late cancellations so may be able to offer you something in this first week of term.  A waiting list is held for this purpose only - it does not carry forward to the next term.  You are required to re-attempt registration when enrolments open up again.

Registration is on a first come basis.  Our numbers are limited by the number of Coaches available to run the sessions.  If you are interested in joining our coaching team please contact us via this site.

Why can't I register - why won't the system let me proceed?

Ensure that ALL fields are filled in.  

You must include a contact email and phone number for the primary caregiver/parent + another emergency contact person and phone number.  

Please DO NOT enter your email address under your childs details.   Please ensure you enter your email address correctly.   We check all registrations as they come through and any incomplete or missing details will be advised to you for completion.   If you complete the registration correctly you should receive an email within 2 -3 days advising you of your log-in for the system, and an invoice for the class your child has been enrolled in.  This allows you to update/correct details and re-enrol for further terms as enrolments open.

Can I pay in instalments? 
Yes you can.  However, this needs to be an arrangement made in advance (prior to Week One) via email The first installment is due prior to your gymnasts first session and full payment is due by the end of Week Five at the latest.  

Without these arrangements the Club will contact you at least twice by email and/or by phone seeking payment of overdue fees and then may ask your child to sit out of session from Week Three until fees are paid in full.  In this situation you will be contacted to pick your child up as we are unable to provide supervision for your child.

Can I get a refund if my child is sick? 
If your child is sick for over half the term then please contact the Administrator and discuss options.  If you child is out of gym for a few weeks we are unable to provide a refund our term fee's are all inclusive and are not pro-rata.

Do you run Parkour or free running sessions? 
Yes we do! - see our Bult for Boys session.

The Benefits of Gymnastics!
Gymnastics is a fantastic sport to support your child with general movement patterns, strength, and flexibility. Not only is it fun and the gymnast learns new skills but it is a valuable base for all other sports.
We frequently have comments such as   'my running has improved'                    'I can now hit a ball'               'my swimming is stronger and faster'

All our sessions are based on the Fundamental Movement Patterns which are the basis for all movement and sport.  So at times it might not look like your child is learning typical gymnastics - cartwheels and handstands. These movement patterns make up all the skills for gymnastics and other sports so the more practice they have at these the faster they will improve with those handstands and cartwheels.  Ask the coach (at the end of session please) if you have any questions about what your child is learning. 


Fees are due before your Gymnast attends their first session.  We operate a 'No Pay, No Play' approach.  

Late enrolments require immediate payment of fees.

Please note:  If you decide to withdraw from gym in the first three weeks please notify the Administrator immediately.  Failure to notify the Administrator of your withdrawal by week three will incur a minimum fee of 50% of the term fee to cover administration costs including hall hire and Gymsports affiliation fees.

Fee's to be paid by internet banking to Te Awamutu GymSports - 03-0442-0035550-000.

Please follow the instructions on the invoice.

We no longer accept cash for term fee's, please do not hand payments to the coaches.